Intermediate Kickstarter Goal Achieved!

January 20, 2011

Thank you everyone for helping me reach my intermediate Kickstarter goal! Please keep spreading the word about this project; we still have 60 days left to accept donations. Although my initial Kickstarter goal of $12,000 has now been met, I still have a lot of money to raise in order to spend the required time in the field and to help spread awareness. I am currently in the planning stages for many different outlets for this project, and will be sharing those with you when the details are all worked out.

Thank you again for your support and interest in this important story.

– Gerd Ludwig

P.S. I have added a Links page to the project website so you can learn more about the Chernobyl disaster.

I will also be updating our Facebook page with new links and invite you to share some of your own.

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